Friday 23 April 2010


There's a debate going on now that we've discovered lactose intolerance. Is cow's milk as good for us as we've always thought? Once weaned why do we need milk? No other animal does. Yes, there is lots of protein in it which is good for building strong bones, but do we need the bones of a cow? We can get sufficient protein from other sources (see our food values chart - click on feed at top of the page). Milk can create digestive problems - could that be one of the reasons why some of us are constantly chewing Rennies? And what about what's in the milk we buy in the supermarket? It can contain traces of bovine growth hormone, antibiotics, steroids, insecticides and pesticides - all those drugs and chemicals so popular with farmers these days. If you buy organic milk, at least you shouldn't be at risk of consuming them too.
If you'd prefer to avoid cow's milk as much a possible, there are alternatives - almond and rice milk to name but two. Then there's soy, but I think it's best to keep consumption of soy to a minimum (see why here). If you have cereal for breakfast, try it with fruit juice - lushy.
Now there's evidence that goat's milk is better for humans than cow's, check out the Alternative Medicine directory list to find out the reasons.
All of this is not to deny that there are still those schools of thought that say cow's milk isn't a problem for human beings. If you want to follow the subject up, there are lots of web sites. In the meantime, here are two of our local cows, Peppermint and Orange.

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